Florence Forum: EURELECTRIC Welcomes Establishment of Network Code Stakeholder Committees with a more active role for ACER as well as progress on intraday

News Article

EURELECTRIC welcomes the announcement at the Florence Regulatory Forum on 4-5 June to strengthen the involvement of stakeholders in the development of network codes through the establishment of Network Code Stakeholder Committees. Network codes are the ‘backbone’ of the market integration process and effective stakeholder engagement is essential to the overall success of the implementation of the codes.

“We are pleased to see that the Committees are chaired by ACER, which is a step in the right direction to improve effectiveness of Network Codes consultation,” stated Juan-Jose Alba-Rios, Chairman of EURELECTRIC’s Markets Committee.  “However, the Terms of References should foresee a more active role for the Committees especially in the interpretation of Network Codes and their future amendments,” he said.  EURELECTRIC has called for more effective stakeholder involvement for a long time and is now looking forward to representing market participants, generators and distribution network operators (DSOs) in the Committees.

EURELECTRIC also welcomes the signing of the contract between the parties for the implementation of the central European Intraday Platform.  We must now enter the phase of Local/Regional Implementation Projects (LIPS) to which EURELECTRIC has already identified borders for ‘quick wins’ supporting the intraday platform implementation.  The borders of the Netherlands, Belgium and France, as suggested by ENTSO-E, are the right step forward.

On market operation and integration of renewables, Mr Alba Rios said, “Renewable energy sources must be better operationally integrated in both market and grid aspects.”  “We also promote further Europeanisation of RES support schemes in the framework of the Energy Union,” he added.  EURELECTRIC recalled its principles on RES integration into the market and on the evolution of RES support schemes (move towards tendering of support, reduce market distortions, introduce common balancing obligations and technology neutrality, etc).  EURELECTRIC is pleased to see that EC, ACER and ENTSO-E views presented at the Forum are very much in line with ours on RES integration into the market.

EURELECTRIC regards cross-border participation and a seamless cooperation of TSOs as the cornerstone of any market design adjustments that aim to ensure security of supply.  At the Forum EURELECTRIC insisted that TSOs should indeed act with a clear European focus and act as one, with ENTSO-E as the driver, to ensure this goal.  However to be efficient in the long run, we need TSOs to further evolve towards System Operation integration rather than just System Operation cooperation.



The Electricity Regulatory Forum, or Florence Forum, is organised by the European Commission and brings together stakeholders from the electricity sector to discuss progress towards the EU's objective of achieving an internal market for electricity.  Meetings are usually held twice a year over a two-day period.  EURELECTRIC is regularly invited to share its views.