Consumer prices in Europe

Governments in 14 EU Member States interfere in the retail market by regulating energy prices.


How can consumers and prosumers participate in the European energy market?

Member States must phase out regulated prices. Regulated prices may stifle the development of value-added services and impede consumers from realising the true value of the electricity they consume.

Member States should also free up the electricity bill by bringing down policy support costs. Taxes and policy costs have been the main driver for price increases over the last years. They currently comprise 36% of the average EU household bill. This has to change and other energy carriers should contribute to the decarbonisation of Europe’s economy.

Third, the way regulated charges, that is network and policy costs, are charged must evolve. We call on competent authorities to define a set of tariff structures tailored to consumers’ contracted capacity and consumption behaviour. Last but not least, prosumers should be able to sell their surplus of energy at a fair market price.